Shared Governance Assessment
Governance Committee
This committee was added to the ±õ·¡/³Ò·¡²Ñ²Ï​ strategic planning leadership council to address, among other items, shared governance
issues and Standard 1 and 4 for accreditation. In addition, the hope is to facilitate
the flow of information/transparency between strategic planning and all the shared
governance groups here at the college.
The committee will need a clear charge and to determine how frequently it needs to
meet. The Strategic Planning co-chairs have identified the following as key items
for this group to consider as they work through developing their charge:
- ​Lead committee responsible for accreditation Standard 1 and 4
- Offer college perspective and input on the District Strategic Plan/Function Map as these develop
- As Guided Pathways moves forward, provide a forum for discussing, addressing, and making recommendations on any shared governance issues that arise as guided pathways are implemented
- Assess strategic planning structures and processes in light of the college’s commitment to shared governance
- Receive and review the Strategic Planning report cards annually and review; share this out with tall constituent groups
- Forum for all shared governance groups to share information, projects, issues, and concerns