Governance Committee

This committee was added to th±õ·¡/³Ò·¡²Ñ²Ï​ strategic planning leadership council to address, among other items, shared governance issues and Standard 1 and 4 for accreditation. In addition, the hope is to facilitate the flow of information/transparency between strategic planning and all the shared governance groups here at the college.
The committee will need a clear charge and to determine how frequently it needs to meet. The Strategic Planning co-chairs have identified the following as key items for this group to consider as they work through developing their charge:
  • ​Lead committee responsible for accreditation Standard 1 and 4
  • Offer college perspective and input on the District Strategic Plan/Function Map as these develop
  • As Guided Pathways moves forward, provide a forum for discussing, addressing, and making recommendations on any shared governance issues that arise as guided pathways are implemented
  • Assess strategic planning structures and processes in light of the college’s commitment to shared governance
  • Receive and review the Strategic Planning report cards annually and review; share this out with tall constituent groups
  • Forum for all shared governance groups to share information, projects, issues, and concerns

Meeting Dates, Agenda and Minutes

The Governance Committee meets on the second Friday of the month from 12:50-1:50pm in CAK 224​
October 18, 2019 Agenda / Minutes
November 8, 2019 Agenda / Minutes
May 17, 2019 Agenda / Minutes