Resource Allocation

Å®ÓÅapp’s Resource Allocation Process as embedded in Program Review and Planning

Each year Å®ÓÅapp’s Joint Councils meet to review, discuss, and recommend prioritized initiatives to the President’s Leadership Team (PLT) and the President.

Program Review and Plan Update on Resource Request Documents

Resource Requests Process for requests outside of the Program Review and Planning process

Å®ÓÅapp’s Vice President of Business and Administrative Services in coordination with the Resource Development and Administrative Services Leadership Council (RDAS) has developed processes for tracking, reporting, requesting, and receiving resources. The goal of these processes is systematic, transparent, and equitable ways to obtain resources to meet student, faculty, staff, and administrator needs.

These processes focus on resources required to sustain college operations. Resource categories along with the applicable governing plans are:

  • Desktop Technology (computers, laptops, copiers etc. for faculty, staff, and administrators)
    • Technology Plan
  • Classroom Technology and Media (computers, projectors, etc. for use in classrooms)
    • Technology Plan
  • Classroom and Laboratory Furniture (desks, chairs, etc.)
    • Facilities Master Plan
  • Building Systems and Equipment (physical plant)
    • Facilities Master Plan
  • Academic and Non-Academic Equipment (microscopes, pianos, welding equipment, etc.)
    • College Deans and Department assessment

Note that resources requested as part of a Program Review and Plan (PRaP) initiative should be included in the unit’s Program Review and Plan (PRaP). Examples include funding for curricular or programmatic growth, funding for new staff or faculty positions supporting curricular or programmatic changes, etc. Once the initiative is prioritized and approved, these resources will be met as part of the PRaP process. In Fall 2017, Business and Administrative Services is comprehensively inventorying and creating electronic databases for all of these resources. These electronic databases will enable the Division to more effectively identify, track, and report on the College’s resources. In coordination with the Technology Plan and Facilities Master Plan cycles, these databases will also enable the Division to identify and plan for replacement and refreshment of these different resources.

Beginning in 2017-2018, the VP of Business and Administrative Services will work with RDAS members to continue identifying resources which need to be refreshed or replaced and begin coordination for resource replacement based on the cycles included in the plans.

For questions or recommendations about these processes, please contact Dr. Chip West, VP Business and Administrative Services.


Strategic Initiative: Resources Funding Model